Community Survey/ Encuesta Comunitaria
Input needed from Waltham residents who have received services from local agencies to meet basic needs:
The Waltham Community Response Collaborative (WCRC) is a new partnership made up of WATCH CDC, Jewish Family & Children’s Services, Waltham Partnership for Youth, Africano Waltham and Waltham Boys & Girls Club. We want to better understand your needs, improve our programs and make long standing change in the city of Waltham to make it easier for our residents to meet their basic needs.
You are an essential part of this community and will help shape the future of Waltham!
Please click here to share your experiences and suggestions- SURVEY.
*This survey is for Waltham residents only
Se necesitan comentarios de los residentes de Waltham que han recibido servicios de agencias locales para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas:
Waltham Community Response Collaborative (WCRC) es una nueva asociación formada por WATCH CDC, Jewish Family & Children's Services, Waltham Partnership for Youth, Africano Waltham y Waltham Boys & Girls Club. Queremos comprender mejor sus necesidades, mejorar nuestros programas y realizar cambios duraderos en la ciudad de Waltham para facilitar que nuestros residentes satisfagan sus necesidades básicas.
¡Eres una parte esencial de esta comunidad y ayudarás a dar forma al futuro de Waltham!
*Porfavor compartan sus experiencias y sugerencias - Encuesta
*La encuesta es solamente para residentes de Waltham
Antre ki nesesè nan men rezidan Waltham ki te resevwa sèvis nan men ajans lokal yo pou satisfè bezwen debaz yo:
Waltham Community Response Collaborative (WCRC) se yon nouvo patenarya ki fòme ak WATCH CDC, Jewish Family & Children’s Services, Waltham Partnership for Youth, Africano Waltham ak Waltham Boys & Girls Club. Nou vle pi byen konprann bezwen ou yo, amelyore pwogram nou yo epi fè chanjman ki dire lontan nan vil Waltham pou rann li pi fasil pou rezidan nou yo satisfè bezwen debaz yo.
Ou se yon pati esansyèl nan kominote sa a epi ou pral ede fòme avni Waltham!
Tanpri klike la a pou pataje eksperyans ou ak sijesyon ou yo - SONDAJ.
*Sondaj sa a se pou rezidan Waltham sèlman
Ebiteeso ebyetaagisa okuva mu batuuze b’e Waltham abafunye obuweereza okuva mu bitongole by’omu kitundu okusobola okutuukiriza ebyetaago ebisookerwako:
Ekibiina kya Waltham Community Response Collaborative (WCRC) mukago mupya ogukoleddwa aba WATCH CDC, Jewish Family & Children’s Services, Waltham Partnership for Youth, Africano Waltham ne Waltham Boys & Girls Club. Twagala okutegeera obulungi ebyetaago byo, okulongoosa pulogulaamu zaffe n’okukola enkyukakyuka ezimaze ebbanga mu kibuga Waltham okwanguyiza abatuuze baffe okutuukiriza ebyetaago byabwe ebikulu.
Oli kitundu kikulu nnyo mu kitundu kino era ojja kuyamba okukola ebiseera bya Waltham eby'omu maaso!
Nsaba onyige wano okugabana ku by'oyitamu n'okuteesa- SURVEY.
*Okunoonyereza kuno kwa batuuze b'e Waltham bokka